Wed Th Fri


Wednesday, 31 January.
Thursday, 01 February.
Friday, 02 February.

Where has the first month of 2024 gone?
WTF – I always knew it meant Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.


I never know what I am painting until I have painted it. I thought of calling this one Doggy in the Window. But there are so many other creatures swimming around in this little aquarium of mine. How many can you spot? What fun. A fishing expedition in search of the meaning of meaning and who knows how many little doggies you may pull out. There may even be an Axolotl in there. Who knows?

This painting is on sale for the remarkably small sum of $1,000,000. And if you beleive that, you will believe anything. You may even believe you can find the little doggy in there!

PS – I may start posting poetry again soon. I have nearly finished my next collection and all the unwanted extras can be placed here, on my blog.

Kipper Kapers

Kipper Kapers

Old Welsh Intelligence Test Question: “Does a kipper swim folded or flat?”

5-4-3-2-1 –
Time’s up, Ladies and Gentlemen.
So – what’s your answer?

Yes? No? Maybe? I don’t know?
It’s a trick question of course / wrth gwrs. And Kippers can play tricks on you too as they flipper and flapper, and flip and flop. Especially if you eat them late at night.

So this is a painting of a midnight Kipper Kaper Attack, when you want to sleep, but can’t, because you don’t know the answer to the kipper IQ test and all those little kippers are capering around and making fun of you and mocking you.

How do you avoid a Kipper Kaper Attack when the bad dreams start and the Kippers Kaper? Well, you answer this next Welsh IQ test question. “Adam and Eve and Pinch Me when down to the river to swim. Adam and Eve got drowned. Who do you think was saved?”

And if you answer “Pinch Me!” Then I will, and when I do, you’ll wake up, and you’ll be safe from another Kipper Kaper attack until the next time you eat them.

There – simple isn’t it?

“Who? Me?”

“Who? Me?”
The above is a self-portrait done at 3:00 am on the morning of my birthday. The full title is – “Another birthday? Who? Me?”

This is so much easier than writing a whole dog’s body tale of who I am, how old I am, and what I am / was feeling at the time.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I have just saved four pages of paper at 250 words a page, double-spaced. that’s the equivalent of a branch from a small tree.

As I tell my young friends and acquaintances – “Don’t grow old. But if you have to, never lose your sense of humor.”

Of course, sooner or later you may lose an awful lot of your senses – but keep that one, if you can!

Sun Flowers

The poetry flows. But if I publish it here, I cannot use it in competitions and there are many around right now.

So, instead of a poem in words – a poem in colors and lines. I have portrayed several of my acquaintances and friends in the flower faces. Luckily, I am such a terrible artist that you will be unable to recognize yourselves! So choose one you like – and pretend that it’s you.

I hope this painting will cheer your day and bring some happiness and sunshine to you wherever you are.

Ice Flow

Ice Flow

Free fall, then scree on the road
to Wolastoq. with the fresh air
speaking to the rock face
in a long-forgotten tongue,
broken words metamorphosing
into fragmented scree at rock-foot.

Just for a moment we glimpse
the ancient water in the stone,
catch the flow of winter words.

The January sun, low in our eyes,
heavenly glory glancing off rock
to give earthly joy, golden beams
highlight damp, glistening slate.

Afternoon frost, water and rock,
polished into ice-maiden tears
that dance their sparkling way
and are held for a moment
in a vision that will last forever.

Such beauty in silent things, ice, rock, sky. But learn to listen and perhaps you will hear them talking, one to the other. One day, you too may share their words of wisdom.



Winter-low sun in my eyes,
I sit at the breakfast table
blinking back rainbows.

Light quivers into fragments.
Too much light and my world
turns dark. I can no longer see
the computer screen, nor am I
able to write in the old-fashioned
way with pen, ink, and paper.

To continue working, I must lower
the blinds or move to the other room
away from the sunlight.

Another option:
to forget deadlines and schedules
to lay down my pen, to close my eyes,
to bask in early morning pleasures,
purring like an ageing cat
enjoying the sun.

A Golden Oldie that suddenly surfaced from “among my souvenirs”, as Connie Francis once sang. Or was it twice? Sunshine is certainly a magic balm for old bones. Only now am I starting to understand the wisdom of animals, that old dog, lying in the sun, the ageing cat curled up in a sunny window, the ancient donkey, seeking warmth, away from the shade. Such joy in the small things that make life so much better.



by the rush hour
surge of traffic
we peer at street signs,
slide slowly round
sprung up overnight,
grown to confuse us.

Swept along by the main
street’s vibrant flow,
we fail to recognize
new shops standing
where we remember
old cracked paint
and the woman who sold

A face in the crowd
holds us for a moment.
Grey hair, unshaven,
clothes ragged,
a scarecrow on the street,
was that the man
who once ruled our world?

That old woman,
hunched, wrinkled,
her face a Hallowe’en mask,
her limp, her canes
and dragging feet:
is that the dancing queen
who ruled beside him?

Lights change.
Cars move on.
Another island
as we pull away
from the past
and drive
into the future.