

I have been a member of the Writers’ Foundation of New Brunswick for a long, long time. I am not a ‘founding member’, but I think I have been a member since around 1985, and I am sure I was a member in 1986, when Goose Lane Editions, Fredericton, published my second poetry collection, Broken Ghosts. I was most certainly a member in 1989 when my still-unpublished poetry manuscript Still Lives placed first in the Alfred G. Bailey poetry competition.

In the years between 1985-1986-1989 and 2020, I have never received a hand-written communication from any member of the WFNB Board, other than an official communication of one kind or another. Imagine, then, my surprise, when the above postcard, inserted in a hand-addressed envelope, arrived in my mail box yesterday. I was truly amazed and very grateful to the president who wrote these kind words to me. Amidst the panic and the pandemic, it is so nice to be remembered and in such a thoughtful way. Madam President: thank you so much for reaching out to me with this verbal gesture. And yes, you can count on my support for yourself and our Writers’ Federation, I hope for a long, long time to come.

I was in two minds whether to post this or not. However, I wish to emphasize several things: the importance of reaching out, the importance of continuing to believe in ourselves and our creative talents during these difficult times, the necessity of creating alternate communities and of supporting each other as much as possible, the need to avoid total isolation and to maintain human contact in different ways when the physical things — meeting, touching, holding, direct dialog — and the normal activities and relationships of healthy human beings are denied to us, and last, but by no means least, the need to encourage each other and to offer comfort and recognition whenever and wherever possible.

Waiting for inspiration
hoping to fly!

9 thoughts on “WFNB

  1. I got one too. I was touched and glad to see by your letter’s wording that each post card was unique and tailored to the individual. WFNB is a great organization … over the years I have more than received my share of reading, course and interacting opportunities.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Rhonda: I meant to write and ask you if this was okay. Life got in the way and a good friend of mine just passed away. I heard the news yesterday and got a bit lost, and thus never wrote my e-mail asking you for permission to quote you. If there’s anything you want changed, please let me know. I will rewrite and revise according to your wishes. All the best, and many thanks again.


  2. This is lovely, Roger! Thank you for sharing your letter. Cheers, Chuck

    On Sat., Nov. 21, 2020, 1:49 p.m. rogermoorepoet, wrote:

    > rogermoorepoet posted: ” WFNB I have been a member of the Writers’ > Foundation of New Brunswick for a long, long time. I am not a ‘founding > member’, but I think I have been a member since around 1985, and I am sure > I was a member in 1986, when Goose Lane Editions, Frederic” >


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