


My body’s house has many rooms and
you, my love, are present in them all.
I see you here and there, glimpse your
shadow in a mirror, and feel your breath
brush on my cheek when I open a door.

Where have you gone? I walk from room
to room, but when I seek, I no longer find,
and when I knock, nothing opens. Afraid,
sometimes, to enter a room, I know you are
in there. I hear your footsteps on the stair.
Sometimes your voice breaks the silence.

It whispers my name in the same old way
I remember … how can it be true, my love,
that you have gone, that you have left me
here alone? I count the hours, the days,
and snatch at sudden straws of hope,
embracing dust motes to find no solace
in the sunbeams, salacious as they are,
that drag me from my occasional dreams.

13 thoughts on “Lost

    • I try to match the cartoons to the theme of the post It doesn’t always work. Also, the majority of my cartoons are on the Mac, not the PC. S when I post on the PC (as I did this morning) the choice is somewhat reduced. And yes, that is one of my favorite wines … I am so pleased (a) to have shared it with you and (b) that you enjoyed it.


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